#malicious campaign

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6 months ago
Information security

Hundreds of Malicious Android Apps Target Iranian Mobile Banking Users

A malicious campaign targeting mobile banking users in Iran is using Android applications to steal credential and credit card information.
245 other malicious applications linked to the same campaign have been uncovered, including 28 that had not been detected by the VirusTotal scanning engine. [ more ]
#mobile banking
6 months ago
Privacy professionals

Hundreds of Malicious Android Apps Target Iranian Mobile Banking Users

A malicious campaign targeting mobile banking users in Iran is using Android applications to steal credential and credit card information.
245 other malicious applications linked to the same campaign have been uncovered, including 28 that had not been detected by the VirusTotal scanning engine. [ more ]
6 months ago
Privacy professionals

Hundreds of Malicious Android Apps Target Iranian Mobile Banking Users

A malicious campaign targeting mobile banking users in Iran is using Android applications to steal credential and credit card information.
245 other malicious applications linked to the same campaign have been uncovered, including 28 that had not been detected by the VirusTotal scanning engine. [ more ]
6 months ago
Privacy professionals

Hundreds of Malicious Android Apps Target Iranian Mobile Banking Users

A malicious campaign targeting mobile banking users in Iran is using Android applications to steal credential and credit card information.
245 other malicious applications linked to the same campaign have been uncovered, including 28 that had not been detected by the VirusTotal scanning engine. [ more ]
6 months ago
Privacy professionals

Hundreds of Malicious Android Apps Target Iranian Mobile Banking Users

A malicious campaign targeting mobile banking users in Iran is using Android applications to steal credential and credit card information.
245 other malicious applications linked to the same campaign have been uncovered, including 28 that had not been detected by the VirusTotal scanning engine. [ more ]
moremobile banking
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